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04-17-2021 02:39
Hello! If anyone has any questions for us, let us know.
xae736 - 04-17-2021 04:43
Have any O27 remote switches?
xae736 - 04-17-2021 04:43
Or seeking just the toggle with the Red and Green bulbs.
xae736 - 04-17-2021 04:44
These switches are from the 70's early 80's with the brown base.
xae736 - 04-17-2021 04:45
Also seeking vintage post war but used nice condition Diesel engine.
mark - 04-17-2021 04:47
do you carry the 86 foot flat cars ?
Carsten - 04-17-2021 05:19
Good Afternoon from Michigan! Q: Any suggestions for sourcing G-scale trees? I'm looking for fairly realistic pines, and have been unsuccessful to date...
Gary - 04-17-2021 05:24
Hello, Do you have any lgb 10610 or piko 35209 track
- 04-17-2021 05:45
Hello xae736, we do not currently have any O27 remote switches.
- 04-17-2021 05:45
And we do not have any post war diesel engines, but we are constantly buying collections, so check back with us
- 04-17-2021 05:46
Hello Mark, what scale were you looking for for the 86' flat cars?
TrainKid04 - 04-17-2021 05:51
Hello Star Hobby from Falls Church, VA. Love stopping by your shop. Nice to see you at the show!
- 04-17-2021 05:52
Hello Gary, we have both LGB 10610 and PIKO 35209 in stock. Give us a call at 410-349-4290 or email us at info@shopstarhobby.com if you would like to place an order
- 04-17-2021 06:19
Hello Carsten, Grand Central Gems makes pine trees. They have 3 10-11" pine trees for $25, 4 8-9" pine trees for $25, and 7 3-9" snow-covered pines for $20.
- 04-17-2021 06:20
If you want to order some, call us at 410-349-4290 or email us at info@shopstarhobby.com.
Dave J - BC Canada - 04-17-2021 07:29
I see you have a 15th National Garden Railway Convention Boxcar (USA Trains) for sale on your website. Do you have an estimate for for would the shipping be for USPS International Priority mail to Vancouver, Canada ?
RAILFAN4459@GMAIL.COM - 04-17-2021 07:58
Do you have American Flyer and S-Gauge items
RAILFAN4459@GMAIL.COM - 04-17-2021 07:58
KIslander - 04-17-2021 08:52
Hello Dan or is it Don?
KIslander - 04-17-2021 08:54
Hello Dan or is it Don?
Kevin - 04-17-2021 09:04
Hello guys
MTGEGAL - 04-17-2021 09:06
Hi, Any Lionel ELX = midnight special
Kevin - 04-17-2021 09:24
Hello Dan or Don
HappyJack - 04-17-2021 10:41
I don't see LGB in a list of sponsors. Do you think you can answer a question about their products?
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